Friday, September 2, 2011

All alone in a room and what do I hear

I’m all alone which is never the case for me.  I’m listening and what do I want to hear?  Peace and quiet.   What do I get?  Just the opposite.  See in my house there is always madness and not a quiet room in the whole house.  I would love to get just one moment of peace.  Life is a mumbo jumbo and to just stop and slow down for once I think would be a dream come true for everyone.
We all want that moment, and I am no different, of peace and quiet. You see, that all alone in a quiet room cannot happen for me.  If my boy isn’t here, my wife is.  If by chance my wife and son are gone the cats are still here.  The cats have to be the most annoying cat’s ever.  That isn’t even the biggest reason for having no piece and quiet. We all know what it is but would never think of this because we are so use to hearing it all day and night.  A buzzing or humming of electronics.  The DVD player, satellite, fish tank, and even an alarm clock being on and not even going off.  These all put off a hum.  In my head with everything off all I can hear is that hum not peace.  An interruption to a cool breeze blowing through the trees is the light on the wall behind you.  A stream babbling next to the house is interrupted by a car honking the horn.
In conclusion to what do I hear is EVERYTHING.  There is no break from noise.  It may be quiet but there is always something especially in a room.  Everyday modern gear just driving its hum into our brain.  We cannot escape this like maybe two hundred years ago.  Electricity and gadgets are everywhere so we need to get use to not hearing soothing sounds of water or birds.

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