Talking about sex, drugs, and rock n roll is something I really can appreciate. Maybe I used the wrong word there due to my abusing of all of them. How do you abuse sex. I was raised you could never have to much. The only thing my father taught me was one I pass up is one I will never get. That makes me a slut. Bahumbug. I’ll take that but I am, however, a guy so how cool can that be being a man whore. It was cool when I was 20. I regret it all but wouldn’t take anything back except the part of going over board. Ten months ago I called it quits. I have been sober for ten months to long. I often wonder if that makes me a quitter. I was taught not to be a quitter.
I am kind of nervous for Thanksgiving. Not only will their be a party in my mouth, and I am talking about the food you pervert, but their will be many friends and family and the highlight, the football game. Maybe I will be able to eat more. Nothing wrong with that except my 100 extra pounds I possess on my bones. I mean, I’m not fat I am just big boned. Can that be true? If so I got some BIG bones. At this moment I am trying to take my mind off the thought of the Bud Non-Alcoholics I may have to have.
It is really not that bad having a drink. I think we all have some stories that take us beyond humility. I was never a person who blacked out, thank god. The good part about that is I got to watch others black out. Drinking really has no humor that comes with it but being drunk does. I have seen everything from people pooping their pants to waking up next to their brother. What happened beyond that I don’t think I want to know. That may have played a factor in my sobriety. No need to call my sponsor I can just call my self and ask, “Do you want anything like that to happen to you?” Who would.
I look back and think what the hell was I doing when I was eight and putting back a Milwaukee’s Best. That should have turned me off quicker then a cheetah chasing its tale. Nothing better then getting blitzed and taken advantage of other and getting in trouble and hurting innocent bystanders for no other reason but to complete the vicious circle of sex, drugs, and rock n roll.
This piece has some fine parts and ideas, but is too scattered to work--and yet, given the week's theme, perhaps the scattereed quality is the point. A rewrite might clear up the confusion but undermine the larger goal for the week. rewrite. I'd call this an honorable failure--ambitious, many good elements--but not quite successful. That's okay--honorable failures are, first and foremost, honorable and, only secondarily, failures.