Friday, November 18, 2011

Week 12 Risky Piece... Maybe too risky...?

I am always in my own head and seem to be stuck.  My mind winds up more then a jack in the box and even seems to jump out at the end.  I just wish there was a song to go with it.  Right now there seem to be nothing but Ghost Adventures in the background and goose bumps bigger then my eighth grade pimples.  I just wish I could pop my goose bumps because at this moment my nipples could cut glass.
I am embraced by my blanket trying to keep warm, this very night, in which the thermometer reads less then my age.  It urkes me that this chill hurts my bones more every year I gain a year.  I keep the heat turned down for my own selfish reason, money.  The more I really think about it though, it may just be to toughen up my wife.  Why would I want to make my wife more manly though?  Maybe because I am awesome and she should be more like me.  I would love to date myself except for the part we lack as a man.  I’m really not that attractive though.  I think I’m more scary then these ghost that just popped out on my Ghost Adventure show.  They have got nothing on me except age.
My wife is a great girl but half the battle in my mind is her.  Family life can be hard and this rare night of me just sitting here all alone, a boob tube for noise and the occasional glance at the screen, and the chance to do some homework.  The last two or three weeks I seemed to fall off.  It has been so crazy.  One little change in our schedule can seem to change the whole space time contagion.  To top off my wife’s schedule change, my son got strep throat.  When it rains it pours.  Why couldn’t it pour something besides problems.  Money would be good but what is new, I think we all ask for that.  It’s like the 3 wishes that someone gets but one of them you would ask for infinity wishes.  Come on now.
With my son sleeping and my wife leaving me completely alone…..weird…I can hear the freshly cleaned fish tank babbling.  It sound so much better then my kids and wife babbling.  It is a hell of a job caring for our salt water fish tank.  I haven’t bothered cleaning it for months.  We only have one fish left so I had a, “What’s the point attitude.”  Don’t tell ASPCA.  Poor fishy.  Nemo got me back though.  As I reached deep in the tank to get the scum off the live rocks, I was attacked by a one inch Jaws.  It hurt like a son of a gun surprisingly.  I mean, this fish, didn’t just nibble like when you dip your toes off the dock in a school of sunfish, he was like a dog playing tug of war.  He bit and shook.  What the hell is that?  He is a clown fish not a dog fish.  I guess I got what I deserved.  
I finally got a little company in my 2 hours of alone time.  It is a human though. Phew…  My cat Clyde.  People think I’m crazy but this cat is no ordinary cat, so I think.  I talk to him like he is human.  Have I lost it?  “Who are you talking to?” my son or wife will ask.  I am alone with my son and SpongeBob.  That can really wear on a man.  I never wanted to grow up and be some old stick in the mud but I didn’t plan on walking around quoting SpongeBob.  Maybe I just need a hobby!  Yeah…..A hobby is what I need…..

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I see you have a line in risky pieces--this reminds me very much of your 'Sex Drugs R & R' piece--it's alienating, it jumps, it makes leaps where the reader can't always follow the logic--risky! For some reason I can't quite figure, I think this works better than 'Sex, Drugs'--maybe because by the last graf here, the screwy logic grows on me, and I feel like I'm Nemo biting your finger for putting me through this....

    No no! Didn't mean it!


    The fishtank section is pretty funny!
