Sunday, October 30, 2011

Linked vignettes

 My dad is the strongest man ever.  He is a guy who, not even kidding, drives down the road with a drill bit drilling out his tooth.  He is a Master Guide and looks and smells like a bear.  It is gross really but for some weird reason I have always looked up to him.  Even though I shouldn’t because he was a asshole to me as a child.  My dad is someone you would never expect to cry.  Even when he broke his neck and after a year went to the hospital it never even made his eyes water.
I received a call from him letting me and my brothers know his father was dying of a failing liver.  I wasn’t surprised because he drank brandy his whole life.  Smoked and shot pool as well.   My grandfather was a great guy.  He helped my Mom when my dad abandoned us.  He started color television for channel four Boston.  He was the only one to service color television in Maine for years.  This was pretty cool.
My Dad some what followed in his foot steps and we all did to.  All of us brothers are electricians.  My grandfather was the best pool player.  As I said, he drinks, smoked and shot pool his whole life.  The odds of me trying to beat him were slim to none.   That chance came after that phone call. We went down to see him in MA.  We stayed at my grandfathers house with my Dad until the day he past away.
 As we were at the funeral and people were crowded in the little old memorial home I witnessed something, besides the passing of my grandfather, that brought a tear to my eye.  It scared me and made me so worried.  It was my Dad crying.  The thought of that happening was laughable.  My Dad cry, “Yeah right” I always thought.  I guess we all have something that hurts us and for my Dad it was something mentally rather then physically.

You never know what you have until it is gone rewrite

I have a dog and his name is Jake.  He lived a long life.   He was a Brittany Spaniel and was giving to us by my father who was going to kill him.  Being a five year old bird dog his life was over in my fathers eyes.  Not to me though.   Little did I know Jake was soon to be a best friend and more.  I always took him for granted in day to day life.  I think we all take things for granted.   The sad part about it all is we really just never know when the things we take for granted are no longer.
My best friend Jake was no exception.  We got the dog when I was 9.  Kids go through a lot is school.  He was my shoulder to cry on.  He never judged me and was always nice to me no matter how mean I was to him.  When I was sick he was there for me.  When I was sad or happy he was there.  One day though, I tried not to think about it, he may not be there for me.
Whenever I was sick, I thought he could heal me.  Jake was a dog to me that could do it all.  I always tried to sneak him in my room and get him to sleep with me but he never would.  We always played together running around the house chasing each other.  Couldn’t he run so fast.  He was a pain in my butt taking him for a walk.  I would be falling over the whole time from him pulling me.  He was always the leader.   If you got ahead of him he would race ahead of you.
To others, Jake was a typically dog.  To me he was a hero.  I always took him for granted as I said and thought he would be here for ever.  Little did I know for ever was only a few years ago.  He became sick and could barely move around.  We knew it was time.  From that day on I let people know I love them even if I just go to the store at the end of the road.  You just never know when that dread full day will come.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My list which could have gone on forever

1.  I work hard for everything I have.
2.  I’m to proud to admit I am wrong.
3.  The way I think may be different but it’s like I can see things clearer then most.
4.  I have a heard time with school work.
5.  I am the best at doing things once I do it one time.
6.  My body has severe arthritis all through it to the point I am almost disabled.
7.  When I was 3 I stole for the first time and burned down the forest.
8.  I am not proud of my past.
9.  I feel so bad for my daughter because her mom is horrible.
10.  My cats drive my wife crazier then I do, I hope.
11.  I always seem to go out of my way to help people maybe to get them to like me.
12.  I’m so laid back it makes people mad.
13.  I did karate for about 8 years.
14.  I love playing sports but I was to shy to play in school.
15.  I love to help people out and put them before me.
16.  My house is so spotless.
17  My favorite food is my wife’s spaghetti sauce.
18.  I have been doing electrical for 16 years or so.
19.  Some times I can write better then a women but most of the time it looks like a child wrote it.
20.  I am a great cook and it makes my wife jealous so she will secretly eat it and tell me she didn’t.
21.  The grass on my lawn is always so long no matter how much I cut it.
22.  I love to read adventure books but cannot find any to read.
23.  I had a horrific child hood and was recently diagnosed with PTSD.
24.  I sleep with a sleep apnea machine and it is so embarrassing.
25.  I don’t believe in ghost but they scare me so much.  If I ever saw one I’d kill myself.
26.  I just started using chew and my wife doesn’t know.
27.  Being an alcoholic I had to stop and it has been 9 months.
28.  I wish I could have done something different with my life.

The best part is the part I can't tell...

I had one goal.  Only one is all that it takes to feel as if you have the best life ever.  As a young boy I always had this mentality.  I may have hurt many people during this attitude.  That didn’t bother me.  It was all about me.  We had so many parties as ever one does since they had become a teenager.  My goal was no different then anyone else’s this age.  Getting messed up and laid.  I always had this on my mind and school was always last. Maybe I should have put this first but over another one, no way.
During the school we always talked about the time we had.  Bragging I guess or making fun of some one for something or someone stupid they did.  It was a sick way of thinking of women like a piece of meat.  I feel today but my dad always taught me,  “Some one you pass up is someone you will never have.”  You can tell he was not a good father.  That was the only thing he taught me.  Wonderful.
As I showed up to yet another great weekend I first grabbed a Budweiser. (Because U Deserve What Every Individual Shall Ever Receive.)  That is what I learned in school.  The night was going great.  Naked women all over.  A live band.  A fire outside.  This party had it all.  I was always the life of the party and people knew when I showed up the party was finally starting.  I thought I was so cool.  Come to find out there is no job in life or class in college called Partying 101.
You can only discuss the next day some of the things that happened.  Some of it you don’t remember and the rest is so shaming.  Yeah we have all had those embarrassing moments.  This one was mine.  The little pieces I remember I cannot discuss. It is a secret to this day.  I can tell you though I woke up the next day just inside my parents front door.  In my boxers.  With a blanket and a pillow.  The weirdest part, or most thankful, is my mom waking me up telling me to go upstairs to bed before your brothers see you and make fun of you.
Thanks mom.  I’ll always remember that.  The best part of this all I can’t tell because of embarrassment and the graphic’s of it all.

You never know what you have until it is gone.

As we wandered around a pond up in behind our house are dog ran frantically ahead.  He had to have to lead.  It was most annoying but I wasn’t going to try and keep up with him.  The pond was no ordinary pond.  It was late fall and parts were frozen but most wasn’t.  A half fallen down fence stood between the trail and the water.  The dog ran out and we called for him not to.  He the fell in through the ice.
Our dog smelled horrifying.  We gave our dog a bath.  He now smells like Pert Plus.  He leaped from the tub and darted through the house.  He shook off the water numerous times.  Wet spots now ruled the house.  I wanted to hold him but by this time he was only half dry.  He was after all my best friend.
The dog played a great part in my life.  He helped me when I was scared.  He helped me when I was sad.  He helped me whenever I had any kind of feeling whether it was good or bad.  He greeted me always with kindness even if I was mean to him.  I always took him for granted I suppose.  You just never know when something could happen. When you take something for granted that is when something bad always happens.
Now that I realized al this I now make sure I let people know I love them.  Where ever I go.  No matter how long.   I could be just running out to my truck to grab something.  “Love you, be right back in.”  I will tell whoever is around.   One small trip down the stairs is all it could take.  You cannot let the worrying of this slight chance of something happening to you consume your life.  You do, however, need to take advantage of the ones that care about you.
When is loving someone to much.  Is it when they are no longer with us.  I do now over love people to much  because of the loss of my best friend and more.  He meant the world to me and I never let him know this until it was to late.  You never know what you have until it is gone.  Take that to the grave.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I walk down and Oh lord!

Just another day for me or so I thought.  It was just another day but this wasn’t quite another day, it was grocery shopping day.  We all love this day of the week.  The hustling and bustling of pushing a heavy cart of food through a maze of people.  Then the dreaded thing happens as I was turning the corner.  Down isle five, which I had to go down to get some pasta, was an ex girlfriend.  Ugh… Usually you can turn around or duck out of site but this time there wasn’t anything I could do.  She could see me and I could see her.  We locked eyes but it wasn’t one of those special moments where I was about to fall in love.  No this was not another grocery store love story about to take place.
I had to go up this isle now.  It was like taking a wrong turn on a street with no way to turn around.  The street had one giant pot hole for me and it was an ex girlfriend.  What a perfect day for this.  I guess it could have been worse.  I know at least in this street with other carts their was witnesses incase she got out of hand.  She still had feelings for me, I mean come on who wouldn’t.  I walked down this street of terror knowing the worst was to come.  I inched my cart to make the inevitable take longer but as I do this I know I should just go up and get it over with.  Once you bump into someone in the grocery store you see them on every other isle you go down.  You then have to give that awkward smile as if to say “fancy see you here.”
I hate having to be locked into something like this.  I know I am going to see her next isle and next isle until the end of this task I never wanted to do in the first place.  Any how I make it down to the pasta just in time for her to bump my cart.  She did it in a flirting way as she smiled at me.  I rushed her through some pointless conversation so I could get the heck out of dodge.  After this small talk I grabbed my pasta and continued to head down the rest of this isle knowing I was going to see her again…. And…. Again.  To stop this from happening I went back to the vegetables.  I knew back tracking I wouldn’t have to bump into her again.  Oh lord, the worst thing happened but I made it through it.

A silence

It is chilly in this house we all sit upon while the television is in the off position.  We usually are sitting while the television blares its sound through out the large room we call the living room.  This room is suppose to be a lively room filled with commotion and  sound.  Hence the name “living” room.  Tonight is rather different in that we are not moving about nor the sound from the television reverberating throughout the room filling our ears full of mostly nonsense.  The nonsense we all know is the commercials….”SHAM WOW.”  Thank god I sit thinking I don’t have to fall subject to another infomercial.  I seem to believe and buy everything they market to us.   Some could call it being a sucker but I enjoy these things.  I don’t know what it is but right now I am thankful for these awkward silence.
We sit here as a family in this chilly house with what for once in our family history is a awkward silence.  I don’t know if you could imagine this or not.  Our four year old is being quiet.  I suppose that’s why I believe it is more awkward then anything.  You see, tonight the power is out and that is why the television is not letting out a annoying sound of spongebobs laugh.   Bahahahhaha…. Yeah I think people that don’t even watch the show know this laugh.  The room being so chilly and so dark but the most bothersome thing is this silence. Who will be the first to speak something to break up the wind that blows against the window and the tip toeing of the cats darting back and forth in the dark.  You couldn’t really see them but could hear the chatter of their claws against the hard wood floors.
As we sit in wait in the house of silence, with only clicks and creeks from the wind blowing on the house and the cats who now are upstairs darting back and fourth , we slide together to get warm and cuddle my boy.  He isn’t scared but he is just in one of these once in a blue moon moods when he is calm, loving and cuddly.  Heck yeah me and my wife are taking advantage of it.  He is consistently none stop and never wants to be held.  Maybe this dark silence could be great after all.  Maybe it was a moment meant for us to bond.  Someone or something made the power go out to draw our family together.  Doubt that, it is just late and we were at the park all day so my son is worn out.  It is the thought that counted I guess.  Just as we all settled in on the couch holding one another……the power comes!  I son jumps up and the television starts spitting out babahahhahaha…..

Things I see as I walk down the street.

I’m a very visual person so no matter what I’m doing or where I’m going I am constantly scanning my surroundings.  Every year we go to Bar Harbor at least once.  I personally myself love that little corner ice cream shop but it seems to be the last stop on our walk every time.  I cannot remember the shop name for some reason.  All I can think of is that place in Brewer fifty miles away from Bar Harbor names Jimmies.   We walk down the very crowded walk way which is very annoying due to all those old out of stator’s that have to stop and look at every shop window.  At that pace I don’t see how they even get anywhere.  You know they are never going to buy anything though.
Personally I want to stop in every shop on the way to my ice cream place which I usually try to make a V line to.  Just like all those old people I talked about though, I found myself stopping and looking into the many different shops windows.  I love to shop so Bar Harbor is the perfect little place to see many different trinkets you wont see any where else.  As I pass by a little coffee shop, it wreaks of the strong smell of a great coffee bean.  It was heaven to me that strong smell of fresh ground and brewing coffee.  It drew me into the barely walk able shop to get a wonderful cup of the perfume I could smell outside.
We walk on and go past many other shops which lure me in, of course.  Next thing I know, I am carrying arm loads of bags and my wallet feels flat.  All these shops were heavenly.  I now was the proud owner of fudge, a coffee, new sweatshirt, and a necklace made of help with shells knitted within the threads of the weave.  My wallet is the proud owner of nothing.  I arrive at my ice cream shop I have been waiting for, and finally at last my Maine blackberry ice cream in a home made waffle cone.  I had no hands at  this point to grab my cone but still managed to some how.  If there is a will, there is a way and I certainly found one without a doubt.  I had my ice cream at last.   As I at my ice cream I wondered how I was going to get back past all these great shops with out entering one.  My arms were already full and my wallet by this time was definitely in rough shape.


As I lay there in the bed I realize I’m not quite comfortable.  I re-shim the pillow under my head to the point the lovely lady laying next to me awakes.  I feel bad but the pillow needs to be perfectly fluffed upon my head.  I hate to get up the next morning with that creaky achy pain that lies deep in your neck.  It seems to never go away and will last within you for days or even weeks.  It is hard to judge the perfect fluffed pillow but you know it’s time to stop when you wake your better half up.  Whether the pillow was perfect or not I knew I had to be done or should would tell me to stop moving.  I think to myself, “at least I made the pillow have that cold spot.”  Who doesn’t like flipping the pillow in order to achieve that short moment of coolness upon the back side of your head.
The cats, as always, are at the bottom of the bed curled up.  They won’t stay there long because night time is their time to raise hell.  Their names are Bonnie and Clyde which make perfect sense for these two.   As I look over to see if my wife is still awake I notice her book still lays upon her chest.  I chuckle inside knowing she must of fell asleep reading.  I wanted to make sure she didn’t know the cats were in here.  She hates the cats and would of booted them off the bed.  I am complete opposite, I think its nice when they are all cute looking at the foot of the bed.  I pulled the covers up to my chin and finally curled up to fall asleep.  The blanket was tucked under the cats so I had to distract them in doing this. Oh well, I was tired from a long day and just wanted to buckle down and fall asleep.
It was going to be another one of those nights where you lie there and lie there and for the life of you cannot fall asleep.  I had thoughts running ramped all through my mind.  I think I was just over tired.  You think being over tired you would just fall asleep before hitting the pillow but you don’t.  I was perfectly comfy in the bed at this point and couldn’t wait for dreams to start flowing.  I wish at this point counting sheep would really work but that would keep me up longer.  As I chuckled again I thought maybe I should grab my wife’s book and read it.  It seemed to work for her but I knew that wasn’t an option at this point.  I grabbed my mask for my sleep apnea machine, strapped it to my head, and clicked the on button.  I knew I was forgetting something….and…….to….sleep….I…went.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Who I first remembered re-write

In a world, with a population in the billions, one person made such an impression on me that to this day I remember them first in my life.  Most people would say their mother or father but I would disagree with that.  As a child you love anything fun or anything that has to do with playing so it only makes sense that you would remember your first friend or in my case a brother, Matt.
My brother is only a year older then me so we were very close in age.  Being in the same residents and same age it was on.  With Matt and I being very similar in age we had so much things in common.  We had the same likes and dislikes, as well as friends and television shows.  As any kid knows cartoons are great.  We had a lot of the action figures from these shows so we would pretend a lot.   This pulled us closer as we sat together cheering on our favorite action figure to beat up the villain.
All our friends were right out our front door.  We lived in a trailer park were many kids lived and we happen to all be the same age.  This was great for us to bond even more.  We all played together including my brother. We played inside and outside together.  We were almost inseparable and we really never separated until school started.
As a child the first one to make a impression on you is going to be the first one you remember.  When someone or something makes a huge impact in your mind you are more apt to have remembrance of that someone or something.  This is why I believe my brother is the first person I remember.   We were always together and played all the time together.  We were never apart.  My mom would be busy cleaning or working and she wasn’t going to come outside and play with us and our friends.
In my son I notice this with him as well.  Anyone that plays a huge part in having fun with him, he remembers.  He remembers everything my parents do with him but nothing I every with him.  It drives me nuts. I know how he feels though with the fact all he wants in life is to have fun and anything to do with fun.  I do a lot of things with him and I notice he is very clingy to me.  When my wife use to be home he was very clingy with her.
My brother made the type of impact to me in order for my remembering him first in my life.  It was kind of interesting to think back thirty years and try to remember such a factor in your life.  When I really thought about it though my brother came to mind.  The thing that made it interesting is why I remembered him and it all has to do with what kids want.  They want to play and that’s what we did.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A classmate I know talking smack about me?!

I have only good things to say about that Michael.  A guy with a nickname like pickle can’t not be a hell of a guy.  How do you end up with a nickname like that.  You could perceive it in many different ways.  I know what we all think when we think of a nickname like pickle.  Any how Mike has been a great influence through out life to countless people.  He seems to be so self less and puts others first.  I think a lot of times that can hurt him due to people that abuse friendship as he gives.
A great reason I look up to Mike is the fact even though he is thirty he hasn’t lost his child like attitude in life.  I’m not saying he is immature or not responsible.  That is the best part about him.  He is very responsible.   Everyone needs to keep a little bit of a kid in them.  With out having some what of a child like feature you grow into a stick in the mud.  No one likes people like that.  Maybe except other sticks in the mud I suppose.  I remember recently me and him going for a walk.  Upon our walk as we were inching our way around a big mud hole, I fell upon it.  Well, I didn’t fall until I was tackled down.  W begun to attack each other violently with mud balls.  It’s the simple things in life that give great joy and he knows how to bring them to people lives.
People say there aren’t many caring people left but the care that surrounds the people around him is thick as a dairy queen blizzard. Through my whole life Mike, just being a friend, has looked out for me through out school.  I myself have always been picked on and have been an outcast in class but he treats me the same as the next person.  He isn’t afraid or doesn’t  act to cool to talk to me or isn’t worried about getting caught hanging out with me.  That feeling is a horrible feeling, being an outcast in school.  School can be a brutal time in a child’s life and he made that experience not as bad as it could have been.  He actually picked me first once upon a time in sixth grade.  Certain people were always picked before others.  The coolest kid or the one who is the best at the game so that team could win.  The game was dodge ball.  I will never forget the feeling.  Mike made me so embarrassed but this made me warm inside.  I knew I couldn’t let him down.  When he did this, he gave me the confidence that I have never felt, he believed in me.
I know people are very crunched for time in life especially Mike.  He juggles school, work, family life and other task upon that.  I suppose it isn’t much different from a lot of households but most people don’t or can’t make time to help someone out.  Mike makes sure he can do what he can when he can.  I think he gets a great feeling of joy from this.  He told me once you get what you put in as well as life is easy and living is hard.  I thought about these two meanings and they both make total sense.  He likes the feeling he gets to know he did a good thing for someone.  He doesn’t ask for anything in return and most people never return favors to him.  Maybe it is the fact he is to proud to ask for help.  I know when he needs help and I don’t ask him.  I just step in because I know at some point in time I may need help and he will be there.  His word is bond.
Mike has always persevered in life though the many ups and downs.  It takes such a strong individual to endure what he has and still goes around with a smile on his face.  That reminds me of another thing he told me once when I was upset and he was helping me yet again.  Life is to short to be mad or upset.  Even if he just heard the worst news I think even if he was sad he wouldn’t show it.  That can be a bad thing holding things in.  Maybe he cries when no one is around.  I hope so because people deserve to vent and everyone has to at some point in time.  If he were here at this moment I would tell him thanks and if he needs something ever to ask.

Narrative of a Person

We all occasional observe someone from a distance.  We sit back and try and figure them out by their actions.  People, whether they know it or not, judge people before they even talk to them.  If you saw someone that was dressed like a goth, all black clothing, black lipstick etc.. they may be the nicest person but more than likely you would think to yourself, “What a freak, he/she must be a weirdo loser.”  I am guilty as charged.  I know I’ve done this many times.  The simple fact is you do not know someone until you talk to them.
As I sit back and watch this person, who just happens to be my wife, I block my mind of how she really is and wonder what I would think about her just watching her as I have others.  As I sit back and just watch her making herself dinner my mind consumes itself with many thoughts of feelings towards her.  I know my feeling should be love but I wanted to get a mental picture of the typical human judging a human before they know them side of things.
She graceful struts around the kitchen as it’s a normal familiar thing.  This shows that she likes to do things for herself.  Having a familiarity with cooking show independence.  Most people on their own doesn’t make a nice little chicken dinner for themselves as she does.  I’ve been in dorms before and ramen noodles line the cupboards.  One of the first things I like to look at is hair.  Hair to me can give a good description about the person.  It shows if they care about themselves and shows how they want to be portrayed.  It can show if you care about what people think about you.  As she paces around the kitchen in a non bumbling way, her hair told a story to me about her feeling toward the world.  With three feet of hair and being so blonde it looked white, there was not one hair out of place.  It was like a can of Pringles, not one of them can be out of place.  They all seemed to stack amongst themselves in a fashionable manner.  This gives two thoughts in my mind, either she is self conscious or she is a very neat and clean person.   There is one way to settle that question and it is looking at her fingernails.  Her fingers were proportionately long but you could tell they were real.  They were witch nail length.  These were more like little stubs.  The chipping and fading of the nail polish told me she was a hard worker but also was not some superficial bimbo.  Yeah, she cared about how she looked but she also could get down and dirty if she needed.  She was clean and tidy but also wanted to be viewed as self motivated and self sufficient.  No one likes those girls or boys in their twenties that drive a expensive car and are all decked out to the hilt in new clothes and other fashions.  We all know they don’t work for that, their parents do and yet they try to claim as if they were successful.  We can all tell the difference of who works for their own things and who doesn’t.
 In their eyes you can get that sense of dignity and also how they carry themselves.  As she graciously flipped her chicken you could see it in her eye that she was a little more serious and self motivated then some mammas girl/boy.  Her slim knobby knuckles had a grip on the spatula as if it wasn’t her first time.  I knew the way she composed herself she was all for being spoiled but not being over indulged.  She had this sense of cleanliness as she constantly rinsed her hands off but also her jeans, which she moments ago returned from work in, had a sense of weather look to them.  No, these work some pre worn looking pants bought like this with numerous holes and washes.  This was general wear and tear done on these.  This isn’t my first rodeo and I can’t be fooled by this.  She wore then snuggly but not see you could see every crease in her ass or panty lines and such.  They had enough room to be comfortable and professional.  This gave me a sense of take charge women.
It is nice to pamper a girl but not having to consistently take care of her.  I myself like to be cared for.  As my eyes made their wondering down her long slender but defined leg I came upon her bare feet which pressed upon the tile.  Her feet were long and slender and seemed very pleasant.  I am no foot fetish man but her silky look foot almost gave me a sense of a fetish for them. Her toe nails just like her hand nails were chipped and worn but she is also a working woman.  Her heels I could see had slight calluses I could see as she at this point was almost sprinting around the kitchen.  The food was almost all down and everything always seems to finish together.  Our house is all tile and hard wood which could be her problem but if I didn’t know that I would think what a women.  She cares so much about her appearance, clothes, hair etc.. but also has those minor flaws which show a realistic lady.  It would also show me what a go getter she is. Again this all shows dignity as she is self sufficient.
It is a little comical how you can just look at someone and break them down.  Your opinion by just glancing at someone can be just as superficial as them but as the saying goes don’t judge a book by its cover. We all do whether we think we don’t or not.  We do it.  This is a defense by our mind and body to protect us from certain things I suppose.  I know if I saw some guy looking like a crack head, I’d stay away.  If the same person was in a suit, I’d be more apt to speak to him.  Is that selfish on my part or is that me protecting myself from harm or danger?  You really shouldn’t judge by looks it is very cruel and it could cost you the best friendship or lover in the world.  You can get a sense of how someone wants to be portrayed but it doesn’t show you who they really are inside.  Different circumstances can have people looking certain ways.  Someone poor for instance can look and smell dirty but they may have the biggest heart ever.  While someone else who is rich is all dressed to the hilt could be a total asshole.  I guess you never know someone unless you give them that chance we all deserve, common courteous.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Looking at a picture

To answer a question of what do I see of a photo of a person I had to drag myself off the couch and go to the picture draw.  This draw is a great mess with photos and film piled one on another.  Someday I may straighten out this draw of memories before I ruin them all except the mental memories I have of them.  Pictures play a important rule through out time and in peoples life.  Pictures tell stories that mentally we cannot remember all the details.  Details in a picture can far out weigh mental memories of the person, place, or thing that the picture contains.
As I rummage through the draw of unorganized pictures one of them catches my eyes the most.  The picture that I see is one mentally I will always remember but brings back images in my mind that I wish were always upon it.  The picture is my son as a baby.  He is now four and he is so big.  It seems like ages ago he was wearing diapers and just laying there looking around with his big blue eyes.  He has this look in this picture as if he is a bad ass.  It really funny, as this picture gives me flashbacks of when right from birth the eyes.  His eyes even in this picture are squinted slightly, are dark blue, and gives you this glare from the corner of his eyes.  It almost gives you a creepy stare down feeling.  The godfather gives this look in his shows right before he whacks someone.  On my son though, it was very cute. His lips puckered up as if he is being extremely serious.  What could he be serious about?  Maybe the fact he just left his warm home in his moms belly?   I got it, he is here and he means business.  He is the boss from now on.  How true to that.  He runs the show and he has the look to prove it.
A big part this memory of viewing a baby picture of him creates a sadness that is very heart unfriendly.  It creates this void in my heart that makes me want to have another.  The thing is would it be a child that was as cute as him or funny?  He is the most little perfect child ever.  We all say that our child is the cutest but for real.  The cuteness of being a miniature person is incredible.  That little body you can palm like a basketball.  A entire human fitting into a palm of a mans hand.  That image replays in my mind.  Cuddling him as a baby.  Him lying on my chest or snuggled against my face.  His soft skin with the scent of a baby.  I can smell that cleanliness in the air at this moment thinking of his young little fumigating that beautiful refreshing scent into the air.  It doesn’t get any better than that until he over comes his first feat as a child.
His little outfit I can remember holding up.  So small and delicate looking.  The light blue colors and little animals that are sewed upon it.  The shoes in the picture are only finger long with a little monkey on the side.  A memory of a time of peacefulness.  After seeing this picture I looked further into this draw.  It is incredible to look at all the picture.  The next one in here was of him sleeping.  Cuddled up into the nook of the couch.  A child is just incredible.  Yes they are hard work but at the end of it, it is more than worth it for these kinds of memories.  What else can you have in this world that gives you a love and happiness so great that when you peer into the past it can bring back emotions so strong.  I may keep this picture out for awhile.  Memories are great and make you feel so wonderful that you got to have this such memories in life.

First person I remember

In a world with a population in the billions one person made such a impression on me that to this day I remember them first in my life. Most people would say their mother or father but I would have to disagree with that.  As a child you are a playing animal so I think that most people are going to remember a good friend or some other child they grew up with and played with.  That person to me is my middle brother, Matt.  
Being only a year and three months older than I and living in the same house, we had nothing to do due but play with each other and beat each other up.  We were very close as brother even though we had an older brother who lived with us.  He was 5 years older then me so he wanted different things in his life and different friends.  Me and Matt had all kinds of things in common including friends and we both had the same mind state.  A age is basically a mental state of mind and we were very close mentally.
Television played a huge part in us having similar likes and dislikes.  There was many shows that not only did we watch but we had the action figures.  This made a bond between us to over time christened the picture of remembering him first.  Many aspects of us growing older together through time greatened the memory of when I was a child.  We had many great times together acting out the shows on television.
A big part of me and my brothers life was where we lived at the time.  We lived in a trailer park which now I’m older I would never want to live there but as a child it was a incredible experience.  Many children the same age to play with, I mean come on that’s great.  Me and my brother were always with each other.  We had the same friends in the park and we all would clique together until our parents would almost have to chase us down.  We were inseparable and all we wanted was  to have fun.
As a child the first one to make a impression on you is going to be the first to impact you.  When something or someone makes a impact on your mind you are going to remember that for periods of time.  I think that is why my brother is the one I believe would be the first person I can remember.  Do not tell my mother because she would be devastated but I was one of three other kids in the house.  As I said impressions are everything as a kid.
My child I believe I can see how impressions can create a impact on him.  I have no other children except my daughter who is ten and when she is here he tries to act as she does.  Another big relevancy to this fact is how currently I am home a lot with him compared to my wife and he really is picking up on my actions.  He is so susceptible to impressions.  That reinforces my reasons for my brother to be the first one I remember.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My safe place

Being at this place paints an illusion upon your mind, body and soul that is soothing and comforting for most all humans.  Humana are a animals the need attention and others around us but like any animal we have that need or the safe place where your mother resides. The safest place in this world is beside your mother.  We all have had that need from your mom right from birth.  She is the one through out your child hood until you are a legal adult and sometimes your whole life depending on peoples situations, that cares for you.
My mother has been a big part of who I am.  I am not different from most people.  Obviously she gave birth to me and I am part of her.  Through out life she has cared for me and looked out for me.  Me and my mother have had our really bad moments between each other but we seem to put our problems aside.  There seems to be no one that can care for you like your mom.  Even when you are old enough to care for yourself she still always seems to have that eye in the sky looking out for you.
She can take a horrible scary situation and turn it into a safe situation.  This reminds me of when I first received my drivers license, every moms worst nightmare.  Any how, I was casually driving into town when all of a sudden SMACK I went down into a ditch and hit a telephone tree.  This was all due to me changing a cd.  I looked off the road for one second and I guess the truth is it only takes that long.  I remember driving down a dirt road right before I hit the pole but in reality I was plowing over small trees and almost rolled my truck over.  No seatbelt of course I smacked my face off the steering wheel while my hands slipped off the wheel and went through the gauges.  I remember specifics like the wipers coming on and my stereo coming on.  The stereo I made sure was shut off before I got out.  It was embarrassing because it was so loud.  To make a long story short I ended up in the hospital.  My mom showed up and I was in really bad shape and scared.  All of a sudden I knew I was going to be alright when she walked into the room and rubbed my head.  I got the feeling of safety and it gave me confidence to know she would do anything and everything in her power and then some to make sure I was alright.
Another situation which is a little more realistic and more apt to happen is the simple influenza.  Yeah we all know how that can make you feel like shit.  Plain and simple.  Some times it can be worse than others but no one can make you feel safe and make you feel better as mom.  Don’t tell my wife because I tell her she makes me feel better.  Truth is I dump my wife’s soup out and wait for my moms.  A simple yet elegant soup. We all love moms home cooking which can make you feel mmm mmm good.
Everything that can make you feel good, safe, confident, and any other type of wonderful feeling mom can give you.  All those emotions can validate the fact the mom is a person who makes you feel safe.  Whether you are or not it’s the feelings and thought that counts.  For me, I always wonder where she is or call for her when I am feeling really done or need some kind of aid.  She saves you from any situation or problem that arrives in ones life.  She can give you safe advice as well it doesn’t have to be just physical safeness it can be mental to.  I think we all can agree mom is the best.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What I thought the place was, just wasn't

Have you ever been to that wondrous place that just doesn’t quite fulfill your expectations.  I have been to that place.  Not only just being disappointed once or twice or even three times but its been numerous times.  Everyone has felt the disappointment of this controllable situation.  Yeah it can be controlled. You make the place or the time you have at the place what it is.  If you are not feeling the emotional side of a certain time or place it can really be a drag.  Your expectations as well, make this supersaver tantalizing experience one that can be disrupted by a failure to live up to your expectations that were pre perceived by you.
This failed perception of a great time was interrupted by nothing else then the killer of all killers, weather.  Weather can depict a trip.  I mean you plan your vacation months and years in advance and I am no different than anyone else.  We planned this great vacation to no where else but Mohegan Sun.  Yeah I will admit it, I was a addict.  A addict of gambling.  So, in order to pull the wool over my wife’s eyes I told her that her favorite comedian was playing at the auditorium there.  Chelsea Handler.  She was really there I didn’t lie I just covered up my real intentions with putting a perception of the trip to being about her.  Was I a awful husband?  I didn’t think so.  I never get what I want and she seems to always some how come out on top in the getting her way department.
It was  jinxed from the start.  We were renting a car to drive down, no sense to add miles on our vehicle when it’s cheap enough to rent one.  We ended up with a chick car.  A bright blue Mustang.  Every time we would pass someone we would get the thumbs up.  Was it because my hott ass wife with bleach blonde hair was driving me. Either way I was embarrassed but hey we were heading to my favorite place so I sucked it up and took these thumbs up like a man.
We arrived at a perfect time at the hotel and took the shuttle to the attraction.  The show started in a little bit so we had time to get primed with liquor.  I just happen to lead us to a bar with built in slot machines.  My wife HATES gambling.  She hates anything to do with it.  However, we weren’t just gambling we were also drinking so it made it alright to sit here.  I threw out the idea to each throw a 20 in the machine.  Brilliant I thought.  She went for it.   She had no idea what she was doing so I had to explain to her as I was winning on my machine.  Things were going great for me but she was loosing like crazy.  It all went downhill from there. The tables turned and I lost big time.  Little did she know I was slipping more and more money in.  I was down numerous twenties by this time.  Thank god the drinks were free.
It was a horrible time for me.  It definitely wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.  Usually I win.  I still say she jinxed me.  Thank god at least she won enough money to make up for my unpleasant time.  All in all we got threw the weekend and had a great time after that bad experience.  The show the next day worked out good all I had to do is stay away from the machines.  There was plenty of other things to do besides gambling.  The gambling took away from the expectations we had and the money we had to spend. I was imagining money and being drunk with a great person.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A room or rooms

Another day is about to start.  I open the bedroom gently turning the knob to not wake up my wife who is still cuddled up amongst the numerous blankets on the bed.  I fling the door open in order to keep the squeaking of the hinges to a minimal.  I don’t know if it helps but I feel it may so I do it anyway.  I don’t know why I got through all this trouble just to exit the bedroom when prior to all this my son comes in and opens the door and shuts it.
“Dad wake up come on it’s morning!” He states on a daily basis.
“I’ll be out in a minute.” I mutter back.
He then returns to the door and opens it and slams it shut.  I don’t think he means to but it’s just his routine. Just as I close the door and begin to limp with my achy morning feet into the living room I hear a scratching at the door I just closed. I know instantly what the faint noise is.  The cats!  Ugh… You think I would learn by now to make sure one of the cats were not in the room.  They are very frisky in the morning.  Through out the day they don’t want to be touched but first thing in the morning they rub against you to the point of annoyance.  They use your legs like an obstacle course of those orange caution cones. I limp back to the door and once again I begin to go about the task of opening the bedroom door once again.
To no surprise the cat runs back into the room to hide under the bed.   The room has many places for the cat to crawl under.  The furniture in the room is real elaborate and is something you would see out of the 1500’s.  It is very extravagant and detailed.  The paint looks weathered over time but is done to look like this on purpose.  It is a lavish set of five pieces all together and is fit for a king and queen.  The tops of the dressers and end tables are a smoky marble color while the rest is a rustic yellow kaki color.  The bed is the center piece of it all due to the pillar style bed frame.  It barely fits height wise even with eight foot ceilings.  It is dressed out around the top with a eight inch molding that frames out the top of the four pillar columns.  The thing that puts this bed over the top and makes it fit for a king and queen is the laced bed gown that hangs from the ceiling like curtains around all sides of the bed.
Finally, the cat comes out from under the bed to rub against me so I grab him and exit the room through six panel pine door that now has been opened and closed on three separate occasions.  My son awaits for me across the living room on the couch.  I kind of chuckle every time I see him.  It makes me chuckle due to the fact he is so small and the couch is oversized.  It’s all a tan leather couch but isn’t that hard dark brown leather.  This is a soft top cut leather.  The cushions wrap around you like race car driving seat.  It’s hard to get up off of the couch once you are sucked into its love.  My son saved the best spot for me, the end of the couch which reclines to a point where you are laying parallel with the floor.  This makes it easier to get to that point of love.
Before I sit down I make my way across the fake wood floor to the television to turn it on.  The cats both hot on my trail looking to rub against my legs.  The television sits on a small awkward mirror black stand.  It’s little pedestal makes a person think how it holds up the over sized television.  My son piercing into the gray screen as to tell me to hurry without even saying a word.  I press the button firmly as it makes a bonk sound.  The sound is like a charge of electricity flood the television.  I know later on I will be paying for this flood damage.  Instantly the sound of Spongebob’s laugh echo’s through the large room.   The living room is connected to the kitchen only to be separated by a half wall the my wife hates.  I think personally it defines each room as its own but still gives the openness of being one large room. These two interconnected rooms also mingles with a third room which is a mud room.  Again I put a half wall up to separate that room but to keep them open.  Even though she hates it everyone else come in and enjoys the spacious part of the modern house.  The walls in all three rooms match due to the fact my wife picked the colors.  They are different shades of browns and tans framed out by a glossy white trim.  Everything littered upon the wall is in cahoots with the next.  These rooms are filled with pictures, trinkets, and other items which fill the rooms to their maximum capacity with being a cluttered mess. This makes it great for my son but not for us because he always brings his toys out in the living room to play while he watches the big screen.
On that note I walk to the couch tripping over the weaving cats between and around my legs and only to step on one of his toys.  It hurts like no other when this happens.  Thank god the toy this time was a matchbox car and not some weapon for his G I Joe with a sharp edge not that a matchbox is any better.  My son chuckles without even taking his eyes of Spongebob and his friend Patrick’s  brainless adventures.  The curtains were closed and just a glimpse of the dreary day could be viewed between the cracks of the two dark brown curtains wispily hanging stationary.  The dark brown curtains are nice when the sun is beaming in it stops the sun in its tracks and allows us to keep viewing the television without seeing a big misshaped glare across the screen.  The television is in perfect sink with the sun in the evening which is the main time we watch television.
I sat beside my boy who kept a seat open for me beside which happens to be the crack of the couch.  You know the where the sections hook together but it always leaves that uncomfortable gap.  They make it so hard to connect the couch but talk about how easy it is when in actuality they should be talking about how easy it comes apart and you have to fix it.  So, in other words, half of the 7 different sections are disconnected from each other.  Above the couch on the ceiling sit’s a fan which right now is on giving off a gentle breeze onto me who is dressed in shorts and a tee.  This doesn’t quite cut it though, that breeze is a little to chilly on this autumn morning, especially when the heat isn’t running yet.  I like to save fuel as much as the next person.
I grab a blanket which lie’s half on the couch and half on the floor and cover me and my boy up.  I slide over a bit more on his cushion squeezing him against the arm of the couch.  I don’t think he minded because I think he was a little cool to and was using me for the blanket while I used him for his seat.  Now that we were both settled in for the long haul of Spongebob and other cartoons on this Saturday morning my son says, “Dad I’m hungry get me some breakfast.”  
I think to myself, “figures now he says it  now that I am all comfy and sitting down.”

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Battle Begins. (rewrite of stranger comes to town)

I cannot remember when there was a time when I wasn’t in a battle.  Life has always has some kind of battle which you are focusing on. It can be as simple as picking out a outfit.  I know when I pick out something for me or for my son the battle is with my wife.  I kind of made it a personal battle now though.  I fight with myself wondering if it matches because the threat of a assualt may be to come when we walk out the other room into her focus.
Battles do not always have to be about war.  When I first saw the sentence about the battle I thought to myself, “Battle, I haven’t been to Desert Storm.” God bless to the men and women.  Though after the third or fourth time reading it hit me.  Life is a battle.  Some battle more than others but typically it is a uphill battle.  I always said life is easy and living is hard and it has proven true time and time again.  Most people have simply lost a job or quit a job and then what?  You can still live life but living your life is hard without money.  Money equals food and food equals living.  I currently am in that situation right now and it is a battle to find another job.  I have done electrical my whole life so what am I to do when no one is building houses?  That is a battle I am facing.
We all love our kids ain’t that the truth but I tell you what that is the hardest battle at times.  You can’t always be prepared for gorilla warfare.  Yeah, that is what they are like.  Next thing you know your left flank is a mess with toys and your right flank has a spilled drink. To boot, they are calling out for you to come wipe their butt cause they just took a poop and are to you to wipe.  And to tell you another thing that I heard from my mom is the battle never ends your entire life.  She says she is still at battle with me.  
I think this next battle is a battle we all have to deal with on a daily basis.  This battle is a battle of wits, physically and mentally this battle is house work.  Yeah this battle I think woops everyone’s ass and I am no exception.  I try and try to stay on the attack but somehow it attacks back with more troops or trash in this case.  The laundry drops a bomb around the hamper while the lays land mines around the clock that continuously go off on the bottoms of our feet.  Shrapnel lays all over and around the stove from breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.  Grease is like the napalm that covers Vietnam.  No amount of clean up can stop its rampage.  The bed is like a building that has surrendered to a bomb and needs to be rebuilt or remade.  Yeah this battle is a battle of a lifetime, literally.
There are many battles in life and we all cannot avoid these battles.  Battles between everyday living to battles at work.  These battles can escalate and really depress or over come some of the feeble minded people but 99 percent of us over come life’s battles and live wonderful lives.  On a daily basis we all awake with the thought of what is going to happen today.  We may go into the day with a war plan but plans change and we need to be ready and willing to change plans or tackle what life has to throw at us.

Car accident Re-write

It was a typical work day.  Me and my business partner were heading down to Bar Harbor to have another ball busting day at work.  It was around 80 degrees outside and the sun was beating down on the Earth leaving a haze coming off the road.  It was in the middle of summer driving down Route 1A heading to the most beautiful tourist island in the United States.  Me and my friend, Jason, owned a newly started landscaping business and it was weirdly doing great.  We were working five days a week and actually had to hire one and sometimes two people to work with us.  The job we were currently on was a high priority job which we were very behind on.  It was important for us to get there and we had plenty of things left to do.  The house was going to be in HOME magazine and it was going to be a great thing for us to be feature on the front page of a very popular magazine.
So as we headed down we were smoking a bowl to get our morning attitude adjustment.  We both didn’t really drink coffee so a few tokes and a drink were all we needed.  Of course the cologne was in the glove box as well.  We could loose business over someone smelling that weed smell on us especially some filthy rich southern bell we were working for.  There wasn’t a lot of traffic on the road I think our little line of traffic of 5 cars was the only little line of traffic out this morning. When all of a sudden we came to a pretty quick stop. Thank god Jason was paying attention and this wasn’t like one of those anti marijuana commercial were the guy keeps going running over people.  This was the real life.
Just then we noticed a horror show.   There was a accident with a car which hit a tractor trailer truck.  We raced up to the accident to help and we were two of the first people.  Diesel fuel from the truck laid all over the road.  It literally looked liked it rained diesel fuel.  It didn’t slow us down as we ran through the fuel to get to the car.  The truck driver was fine and was out almost stunned just standing there looking at his truck instead of aiding the car.  The car was crunched it looked as if it was a soda can that had been stepped on.  A women was in the front seat somehow and she was very dazed and confused. She laid there limp and could see the pain and fear in her eyes.  She couldn’t say anything but her eyes said it all she didn’t even need to talk.   Another guy the ran to help was with her talking to her telling her she was alright.  Her legs were stuck under the dash due to the impact of the crash pushing the dash toward the seat.  She was pinned between a rock and a hard place in other words.
I looked in the passenger seat which thank god there was no one due to the fact there was basically no passenger side. Very great full at that mediocre fact it I turned  so my focus went to the back hoping there was no kids in the back.  No one was in the passenger side back seat and it was a good thing because that side was demolished.  The front seat was pushed up like a wrinkle.  As well as being just another wrinkle in the car, it was driven back as to be sitting on the back seat. It was like the front seat was a car seat sitting on the back seat. I couldn’t say the same for the driver side back seat.  To my viewing was a car seat.  I went to the car seat hoping there was no baby in it. The car seat, however, was not sitting on the back seat though which shot my nerves through the roof.  Thank god for the bowl we smoked earlier.  The back window was blown out and there was a baby who was strapped in the car seat was up on the back dash board and partly out side where the back window once was.  I made sure the baby was alright and knew not to touch anyone if we didn’t have to so I made the baby feel alright.
Wouldn’t you know it the car at that moment happened to catch on fire.  What a great time for this to happen.  A women was trapped in the car and gas was everywhere.   We all panicked at this moment and tried to push the car out of the fuel and throw sand up under the hood. I didn’t actually see the flames but someone else yelled in a frightening voice, “FIRE.“ Thank god at the moment a guy in spandex, which kind of at that tense moment made me chuckle or maybe it was the weed or a way for me to calm my nervousness, but whatever the fact he ran over with a fire extinguisher and saved the day.   By this time fire, paramedics and police showed up and took over. We walked back through the stream of diesel fuel with our heads hung and eyes full of sadness. Some people may have held their heads high knowing they may have just saved someone’s life but anyone hurt is a hard, sad, fact of life.  We were proud at heart or I know I was.  People watched us as we walked asking, “Is everyone alright.”  We ignored them not to be rude but were more fearful for the outcome.
This was a disastrous day and we both knew we couldn’t go to work.  You see my friend Jason was in a life threatening car accident and was in the hospital for a month about a year before this. His accident as well, was on the same road just the other way.  He was a passenger in a head on collision.  The passenger side of this car gave flashbacks to the passenger side of the car he was in.  He was cut out and life flighted to the Hospital and laid in a coma for two weeks. Until this day he suffers with seizures and other limps from the accident.
To boot, two weeks before this I got literally blown up and my face burnt off due to a gasoline and pine tree accident.  We happen to be on a job cutting a enormous pin tree that fell on someone’s house.  Instead of hauling it off we decided to burn it.  We gathered up a bunch of the branches and piled them up and figured while those were burning we could try like heck to cut this thick tree with our small saw.  It is always hard to light wet wood so I dumped a splash of gas on it and even poured a small trail out away knowing it may mushroom up a bit.  I lit my trail of fuel and next thing I knew I was 10 feet away laying on the ground.  Who would of figured.  I asked Jason if I was alright and he said yes just to calm my nerves I moments later found out.  I looked in the side mirror and watched my face slide off my face.  I was like a melting wax figure with skin dripping to the ground.
This made us have a sort of personal connection to this. The saddest part to all of this is that in that car of two people were three people.  The next day on the front page come to find out there was another little girl in the car who they cut out.  She was dead on arrival. What if that was my friend Jason? What if that was my mom and brother.  You never know but I feel we all have some kind of civic duty to aid others in any type of time in need.  You never know when you may be the one who needs the help.  I am still cursed with the thought, “ If only we could of helped her………..”

Saturday, October 1, 2011


It was a typical work day.  Me and my business partner were heading down to Bar Harbor to have another ball busting day at work.  It was around 80 degrees outside and the sun was beating down on the Earth leaving a haze coming off the road.  It was in the middle of summer driving down Route 1A heading to the most beautiful tourist island in the United States.  Me and my friend, Jason, owned a newly started landscaping business and it was weirdly doing great.  We were working five days a week and actually had to hire one and sometimes two people to work with us.  The job we were currently on was a high priority job which we were very behind on.  It was important for us to get there and we had plenty of things left to do.  The house was going to be in HOME magazine and it was going to be a great thing for us to be feature on the front page of a very popular magazine.
So as we headed down we were smoking a bowl to get our morning attitude adjustment.  We both didn’t really drink coffee so a few tokes and a drink were all we needed.  Of course the cologne was in the glove box as well.  We could loose business over someone smelling that weed smell on us especially some filthy rich southern bell we were working for.  There wasn’t a lot of traffic on the road I think our little line of traffic of 5 cars was the only little line of traffic out this morning. When all of a sudden we came to a pretty quick stop. Thank god Jason was paying attention and this wasn’t like one of those anti marijuana commercial were the guy keeps going running over people.  This was the real life.
Just then we noticed a horror show.   There was a accident with a car which hit a tractor trailer truck.  We raced up to the accident to help and we were two of the first people.  Diesel fuel from the truck laid all over the road.  It literally looked liked it rained diesel fuel.  It didn’t slow us down as we ran through the fuel to get to the car.  The truck driver was fine and was out almost stunned just looking at his truck instead of aiding the car.  The car was crunched it looked as if it was a soda can the had been stepped on.  A women was in the front very dazed and confused.  Another guy the ran to help was with her talking to her telling her she was alright.  Her legs were stuck under the dash due to the impact of the crash pushing the dash toward the seat.
I looked in the passenger seat and noticed no one so my focus went to the back hoping there was no kids in the back.  Sure enough, I saw a baby in a car seat and no one on the passenger side back seat and it was a good thing because that side was demolished.  I went to the baby which wasn’t on the seat.  The back window was blown out and the baby who was strapped in the car seat was up on the back dash board and partly out side where the back window once was.  I made sure the baby was alright and knew not to touch anyone if we didn’t have to so I made the baby feel alright.
Wouldn’t you know it the car at that moment happened to catch on fire.  What a great time for this to happen a women was trapped in the car and gas was everywhere.  We all panicked at this moment and tried to push the car out of the fuel and throw sand up under the hood. Thank god at the moment a guy in spandex, which kind of at that tense moment made me chuckle, but he ran over with a fire extinguisher and saved the day.   By this time fire, paramedics and police showed up and took over.
This was a disastrous day and we both knew we couldn’t go to work.  You see my friend Jason was in a life threatening car accident and was in the hospital for a month about a year before this. To boot, two weeks before this I got literally blown up and my face burnt off due to a gasoline and pine tree accident.  This made us have a sort of personal connection to this. The saddest part to all of this is that in that car of two people were three people.  The next day on the front page come to find out there was another little girl in the car who they cut out.  She was dead on arrival.  If only we could of helped her………..

Stranger in town

We arrive at the town finally, me and my boy.  it’s a little ride to get here so we only make the ride when he have to.  The town is a small little town where we all know each other from around these parts.  We trot on over to the general store to grab some supplies for the homestead.   We jump off the side ways walking horse embarrassed I cannot get the horse to walk straight and tie him up before we head on in.  The lad was a lankey little fellow with a mutton of hair and some raggedy jeans covered in dust.  The father a great cowboy and a proud man had a stutt like no other.  He was a confident gunslinger and always carried his two old colt 45’s on his hips.  They grabbed what they needed and headed on out.  The father flipped the boy a nickel and told him to get lost as he headed on over to the saloon for his fix before the ride back.
He left the horse at the general store and sloshed across the muddy road to the Bulls Eye Inn and Saloon.  A newish establishment but definitely a run down little building.  A great hustle and bustle can be heard from a bit away from the place as people haad a great time.  He walked through the door and they patrons looked a him with a nod.  Just as he got to the bar the tender put his drink in his hand, a glass of warm whiskey.  The one different thing about a regular known place was a man in the corner that he hadn’t known.  He had a briefcase that he had opened on the edge of the table with cards and guns stacked pleasantly in it.  Two familiar faces sat at the table with this unknown man playing cards with him.  He could here the groins coming friend his friends at the table.  He knew instantly they must be down in money.  He shook his head as to think these fella’s were foolish for playing.  The man obviously was a cad shark who hustled small time town folk like these friends of his.  He walked over to the table with one hand holding the whiskey and the other close to his hip.
“Howdy partner, I’m James, whatcha name?” He stated as he got to the table.
“Whatsit tooya James, ya wanna play cards or ya juss wanna waste muh time?” The stranger grumbled back.
“This heer muh town fella and juss wanna know who yer are and what game ya playen.” James confidently barking back as he pulled out a chair.  “Deal me in.”
He through down a spot money on the table trading for a ivory chip.  You can’t be as fool in this game seeing how there is no numbers on the cards.  Don’t matter anyway half the people can’t read anyhow.  James could see his two friends were down on their luck so he was thinking this man was a no good cheating fellow who passes through these kinds of towns taking the folk for anything their worth and scooting on out of here.  James was definitely on heightened senses to look for any sort of fowl play by this unknown man.
“My names Buck, ya that’s what they call me.” The stranger muttered.  “Yer shure ya want in their James, Imma havun a lucky day sir.”
James thought this here man was calling him out, “I don’t belive in luck, I make muh own luck their Buck.”
The stranger laughed and dealt on.  They all slowly flipped the card up so no one could see them.  They shuffled through the five cards trying to making something out of nothing.  The stranger looked nervous as he had James staring him down out the corner of his eye.  James went on playing out the hand knowing that Buck had it set up so he could read the backs of the cards.  That is why he could win he knew what we all had in our hands.
“Well now Buck Imma give ya three seconds here to give muh friends here back thur money.” James stood up throwing the cards on the table.
“Oh is that right.  I wonnum fair and sqaure their James.  We wur fine until ya here decided to mosie on over here stickun yer head in other peoples business.” Buck stood stacking his money and packing his things up.
“Were you think yer going.” James noticed he was looking for a get away.
Just then the stranger bolted out threw the front down and to the alley between the saloon and the blacksmiths shop.  James hot on his tail he had the alley blocked off.  The stranger was ready for a fast get away with his horse standing in the alley and not tied up.  The mark of a cheater.  James hadn’t drawn out his colt yet but he was definitely fixing to.  The stranger was a sneaky fellow so he kept a sharp eye but not sharp enough he had rigged a hidden gun in the saddlebags. The stranger was ready to fire it at an empty handed James when James boy came out into the strangers blind spot.  He saw him fixing to shoot and the straggly boy pulled him down off the horse into the mud stricken earth.  James was shocked at his boy and ran over to aid his boy.
“He’s got a gun in his saddlebags pop and he was ready to shootcha.” The boy said
“Thanks sonny boy I didn’t even know it.” James spoke thankfully back.
The two dragged this dirt bag to the town holding cell at the sheriffs and flung him in behind the bars.  The metal clanked closed with a sqeeeeek.
“Here ya go sheriff, this one muh boy got, a no good cheating sidewinder.” James said as him and his boy left the sheriffs and high tailed it back home.