Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Battle Begins. (rewrite of stranger comes to town)

I cannot remember when there was a time when I wasn’t in a battle.  Life has always has some kind of battle which you are focusing on. It can be as simple as picking out a outfit.  I know when I pick out something for me or for my son the battle is with my wife.  I kind of made it a personal battle now though.  I fight with myself wondering if it matches because the threat of a assualt may be to come when we walk out the other room into her focus.
Battles do not always have to be about war.  When I first saw the sentence about the battle I thought to myself, “Battle, I haven’t been to Desert Storm.” God bless to the men and women.  Though after the third or fourth time reading it hit me.  Life is a battle.  Some battle more than others but typically it is a uphill battle.  I always said life is easy and living is hard and it has proven true time and time again.  Most people have simply lost a job or quit a job and then what?  You can still live life but living your life is hard without money.  Money equals food and food equals living.  I currently am in that situation right now and it is a battle to find another job.  I have done electrical my whole life so what am I to do when no one is building houses?  That is a battle I am facing.
We all love our kids ain’t that the truth but I tell you what that is the hardest battle at times.  You can’t always be prepared for gorilla warfare.  Yeah, that is what they are like.  Next thing you know your left flank is a mess with toys and your right flank has a spilled drink. To boot, they are calling out for you to come wipe their butt cause they just took a poop and are to you to wipe.  And to tell you another thing that I heard from my mom is the battle never ends your entire life.  She says she is still at battle with me.  
I think this next battle is a battle we all have to deal with on a daily basis.  This battle is a battle of wits, physically and mentally this battle is house work.  Yeah this battle I think woops everyone’s ass and I am no exception.  I try and try to stay on the attack but somehow it attacks back with more troops or trash in this case.  The laundry drops a bomb around the hamper while the lays land mines around the clock that continuously go off on the bottoms of our feet.  Shrapnel lays all over and around the stove from breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.  Grease is like the napalm that covers Vietnam.  No amount of clean up can stop its rampage.  The bed is like a building that has surrendered to a bomb and needs to be rebuilt or remade.  Yeah this battle is a battle of a lifetime, literally.
There are many battles in life and we all cannot avoid these battles.  Battles between everyday living to battles at work.  These battles can escalate and really depress or over come some of the feeble minded people but 99 percent of us over come life’s battles and live wonderful lives.  On a daily basis we all awake with the thought of what is going to happen today.  We may go into the day with a war plan but plans change and we need to be ready and willing to change plans or tackle what life has to throw at us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And one of the worst things is...that generals always prepare for the last war, not the next one. No wonder so many battles are lost!

    You do a nice job taking an idea or a prompt and wringing out of it every last possible angle and detail--I like that thoroughness.
