Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What I thought the place was, just wasn't

Have you ever been to that wondrous place that just doesn’t quite fulfill your expectations.  I have been to that place.  Not only just being disappointed once or twice or even three times but its been numerous times.  Everyone has felt the disappointment of this controllable situation.  Yeah it can be controlled. You make the place or the time you have at the place what it is.  If you are not feeling the emotional side of a certain time or place it can really be a drag.  Your expectations as well, make this supersaver tantalizing experience one that can be disrupted by a failure to live up to your expectations that were pre perceived by you.
This failed perception of a great time was interrupted by nothing else then the killer of all killers, weather.  Weather can depict a trip.  I mean you plan your vacation months and years in advance and I am no different than anyone else.  We planned this great vacation to no where else but Mohegan Sun.  Yeah I will admit it, I was a addict.  A addict of gambling.  So, in order to pull the wool over my wife’s eyes I told her that her favorite comedian was playing at the auditorium there.  Chelsea Handler.  She was really there I didn’t lie I just covered up my real intentions with putting a perception of the trip to being about her.  Was I a awful husband?  I didn’t think so.  I never get what I want and she seems to always some how come out on top in the getting her way department.
It was  jinxed from the start.  We were renting a car to drive down, no sense to add miles on our vehicle when it’s cheap enough to rent one.  We ended up with a chick car.  A bright blue Mustang.  Every time we would pass someone we would get the thumbs up.  Was it because my hott ass wife with bleach blonde hair was driving me. Either way I was embarrassed but hey we were heading to my favorite place so I sucked it up and took these thumbs up like a man.
We arrived at a perfect time at the hotel and took the shuttle to the attraction.  The show started in a little bit so we had time to get primed with liquor.  I just happen to lead us to a bar with built in slot machines.  My wife HATES gambling.  She hates anything to do with it.  However, we weren’t just gambling we were also drinking so it made it alright to sit here.  I threw out the idea to each throw a 20 in the machine.  Brilliant I thought.  She went for it.   She had no idea what she was doing so I had to explain to her as I was winning on my machine.  Things were going great for me but she was loosing like crazy.  It all went downhill from there. The tables turned and I lost big time.  Little did she know I was slipping more and more money in.  I was down numerous twenties by this time.  Thank god the drinks were free.
It was a horrible time for me.  It definitely wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.  Usually I win.  I still say she jinxed me.  Thank god at least she won enough money to make up for my unpleasant time.  All in all we got threw the weekend and had a great time after that bad experience.  The show the next day worked out good all I had to do is stay away from the machines.  There was plenty of other things to do besides gambling.  The gambling took away from the expectations we had and the money we had to spend. I was imagining money and being drunk with a great person.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever been to that wondrous place that just doesn’t quite fulfill your expectations. I have been to that place. Not only just being disappointed once or twice or even three times but its been numerous times. Everyone has felt the disappointment of this controllable situation. Yeah it can be controlled. You make the place or the time you have at the place what it is. If you are not feeling the emotional side of a certain time or place it can really be a drag. Your expectations as well, make this supersaver tantalizing experience one that can be disrupted by a failure to live up to your expectations that were pre perceived by you.
    This failed perception of a great time was interrupted by nothing else then the killer of all killers, weather. Weather can depict a trip. I mean you plan your vacation months and years in advance and I am no different than anyone else.

    I don't understand this part at all; it seems to have wandered in from another essay on a different trip. Everything after this works fine though. So, what gives?
