Saturday, October 22, 2011

A silence

It is chilly in this house we all sit upon while the television is in the off position.  We usually are sitting while the television blares its sound through out the large room we call the living room.  This room is suppose to be a lively room filled with commotion and  sound.  Hence the name “living” room.  Tonight is rather different in that we are not moving about nor the sound from the television reverberating throughout the room filling our ears full of mostly nonsense.  The nonsense we all know is the commercials….”SHAM WOW.”  Thank god I sit thinking I don’t have to fall subject to another infomercial.  I seem to believe and buy everything they market to us.   Some could call it being a sucker but I enjoy these things.  I don’t know what it is but right now I am thankful for these awkward silence.
We sit here as a family in this chilly house with what for once in our family history is a awkward silence.  I don’t know if you could imagine this or not.  Our four year old is being quiet.  I suppose that’s why I believe it is more awkward then anything.  You see, tonight the power is out and that is why the television is not letting out a annoying sound of spongebobs laugh.   Bahahahhaha…. Yeah I think people that don’t even watch the show know this laugh.  The room being so chilly and so dark but the most bothersome thing is this silence. Who will be the first to speak something to break up the wind that blows against the window and the tip toeing of the cats darting back and forth in the dark.  You couldn’t really see them but could hear the chatter of their claws against the hard wood floors.
As we sit in wait in the house of silence, with only clicks and creeks from the wind blowing on the house and the cats who now are upstairs darting back and fourth , we slide together to get warm and cuddle my boy.  He isn’t scared but he is just in one of these once in a blue moon moods when he is calm, loving and cuddly.  Heck yeah me and my wife are taking advantage of it.  He is consistently none stop and never wants to be held.  Maybe this dark silence could be great after all.  Maybe it was a moment meant for us to bond.  Someone or something made the power go out to draw our family together.  Doubt that, it is just late and we were at the park all day so my son is worn out.  It is the thought that counted I guess.  Just as we all settled in on the couch holding one another……the power comes!  I son jumps up and the television starts spitting out babahahhahaha…..

1 comment:

  1. Nicely captures a moment, a mood, a reality, a family scene--puts a nice surprise twist on the cold and silence.

    Is this a week 8 prompt reaction?
