Being only a year and three months older than I and living in the same house, we had nothing to do due but play with each other and beat each other up. We were very close as brother even though we had an older brother who lived with us. He was 5 years older then me so he wanted different things in his life and different friends. Me and Matt had all kinds of things in common including friends and we both had the same mind state. A age is basically a mental state of mind and we were very close mentally.
Television played a huge part in us having similar likes and dislikes. There was many shows that not only did we watch but we had the action figures. This made a bond between us to over time christened the picture of remembering him first. Many aspects of us growing older together through time greatened the memory of when I was a child. We had many great times together acting out the shows on television.
A big part of me and my brothers life was where we lived at the time. We lived in a trailer park which now I’m older I would never want to live there but as a child it was a incredible experience. Many children the same age to play with, I mean come on that’s great. Me and my brother were always with each other. We had the same friends in the park and we all would clique together until our parents would almost have to chase us down. We were inseparable and all we wanted was to have fun.
As a child the first one to make a impression on you is going to be the first to impact you. When something or someone makes a impact on your mind you are going to remember that for periods of time. I think that is why my brother is the one I believe would be the first person I can remember. Do not tell my mother because she would be devastated but I was one of three other kids in the house. As I said impressions are everything as a kid.
My child I believe I can see how impressions can create a impact on him. I have no other children except my daughter who is ten and when she is here he tries to act as she does. Another big relevancy to this fact is how currently I am home a lot with him compared to my wife and he really is picking up on my actions. He is so susceptible to impressions. That reinforces my reasons for my brother to be the first one I remember.
Try a rewrite on this--all I'm interested in today is to see if you can figure ways to cut out words without losing anything important.