Thursday, October 13, 2011

Looking at a picture

To answer a question of what do I see of a photo of a person I had to drag myself off the couch and go to the picture draw.  This draw is a great mess with photos and film piled one on another.  Someday I may straighten out this draw of memories before I ruin them all except the mental memories I have of them.  Pictures play a important rule through out time and in peoples life.  Pictures tell stories that mentally we cannot remember all the details.  Details in a picture can far out weigh mental memories of the person, place, or thing that the picture contains.
As I rummage through the draw of unorganized pictures one of them catches my eyes the most.  The picture that I see is one mentally I will always remember but brings back images in my mind that I wish were always upon it.  The picture is my son as a baby.  He is now four and he is so big.  It seems like ages ago he was wearing diapers and just laying there looking around with his big blue eyes.  He has this look in this picture as if he is a bad ass.  It really funny, as this picture gives me flashbacks of when right from birth the eyes.  His eyes even in this picture are squinted slightly, are dark blue, and gives you this glare from the corner of his eyes.  It almost gives you a creepy stare down feeling.  The godfather gives this look in his shows right before he whacks someone.  On my son though, it was very cute. His lips puckered up as if he is being extremely serious.  What could he be serious about?  Maybe the fact he just left his warm home in his moms belly?   I got it, he is here and he means business.  He is the boss from now on.  How true to that.  He runs the show and he has the look to prove it.
A big part this memory of viewing a baby picture of him creates a sadness that is very heart unfriendly.  It creates this void in my heart that makes me want to have another.  The thing is would it be a child that was as cute as him or funny?  He is the most little perfect child ever.  We all say that our child is the cutest but for real.  The cuteness of being a miniature person is incredible.  That little body you can palm like a basketball.  A entire human fitting into a palm of a mans hand.  That image replays in my mind.  Cuddling him as a baby.  Him lying on my chest or snuggled against my face.  His soft skin with the scent of a baby.  I can smell that cleanliness in the air at this moment thinking of his young little fumigating that beautiful refreshing scent into the air.  It doesn’t get any better than that until he over comes his first feat as a child.
His little outfit I can remember holding up.  So small and delicate looking.  The light blue colors and little animals that are sewed upon it.  The shoes in the picture are only finger long with a little monkey on the side.  A memory of a time of peacefulness.  After seeing this picture I looked further into this draw.  It is incredible to look at all the picture.  The next one in here was of him sleeping.  Cuddled up into the nook of the couch.  A child is just incredible.  Yes they are hard work but at the end of it, it is more than worth it for these kinds of memories.  What else can you have in this world that gives you a love and happiness so great that when you peer into the past it can bring back emotions so strong.  I may keep this picture out for awhile.  Memories are great and make you feel so wonderful that you got to have this such memories in life.

1 comment:

  1. Where does this really start? Where do you suddenly get and keep the reader's attention?

    I'd argue that all this below could and should simply go--that's a problem for you, knowing how to ride herd on words and send the extras to the slaughterhouse.

    To answer a question of what do I see of a photo of a person I had to drag myself off the couch and go to the picture draw. This draw is a great mess with photos and film piled one on another. Someday I may straighten out this draw of memories before I ruin them all except the mental memories I have of them. Pictures play a important rule through out time and in peoples life. Pictures tell stories that mentally we cannot remember all the details. Details in a picture can far out weigh mental memories of the person, place, or thing that the picture contains.
    As I rummage through the draw of unorganized pictures one of them catches my eyes the most. The picture that I see is one mentally I will always remember but brings back images in my mind that I wish were always upon it.

    But all the rest of the stuff, the careful descriptions of the pictures, works nicely.
